Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So if you know us well, you are probably familiar with the fact that Ryan loves to tell people that he is the neat one and I am a mess.  It's true to some extent . . .  I can be a huge mess.  I have trouble with it.  I let things sit out instead of putting them away, it takes me forever to get to simple tasks and I can be a bit of a hoarder . . .  I don't deny any of this.  My problem is that Ryan loves to tell people about how neat and organized he is.

When we moved into our house my mother helped me organize the cabinets so everything had a place.  We have lots of cabinet space now, but I also have lots of stuff (hoarder) but, I have tried to be very good about keeping the cabinets orderly.  This sometimes means when I use something it will sit out on the counter (clean) for a bit longer than it should if I think I'm going to need to reorganize to put it away.  Ryan can't stand for things to sit out on the counter.  He would rather put them away no matter what.

So this is what happens . . .  but I'm the messy one . . .  I love my husband but I am pretty sure he is trying to drive me slowly insane.


  1. This is funny. It reminds me of when Brock unloads the dishwasher, which is probably oh...once or twice a year....nothing goes where it belongs. He just throws things where he thinks might be a good place for it.

  2. Haha! Ryan does the exact same thing but puts away dishes very often so I am constantly searching for things . . . plus, he can never remember where he put anything.

  3. Wow! Well, it must be a family trait cause I am the neat one and Patrick is the hoarder. I told him if he gets a new tshirt that he has to donate two of his old ones. That always doesn't work. I sneaked out of few of his old things when we moved last. But I am the one to always lose my keys and forget where some things are. I guess it is balance.

    But...I can say I hate things out on the counter and now this makes me want to organize the appliance cabinet. I am pretty sure I am the reason it is jumbled much like yours. I guess my brother and I have more in common than I knew. :)

  4. I give up, left 3 freaking comments and somehow they keep getting erased. And they were clever, insightful and funny!
