Thursday, September 24, 2009

Little Stevie Ray Vaughn

My mother is "fostering" (read: not yet ready to admit she is adopting) a VERY cute kitten from the shelter in Tallahassee she has naked Stevie (Stevie Ray Vaughn is his full name.) He is still a tiny thing, we don't think he weighs quite a pound yet and is eating a mix of kitten formula and wet food, but already he is taking over the Cormier household!

Ok, Stevie isn't in this picture, but every time Nolan wears something ridiculous (which is pretty often) I feel the need to take a picture.

Stevie sleeping with his bear.

Stevie's first night.


1 comment:

  1. okay i have to know about the stuffed snake as a scarf, no pants, and holding what looks like a stuffed poodle? omg hilarious!
