Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What we've missed

So the last post showing up was Halloween . . .  even though all the pictures from then and before are missing here is a quick run down of what you have missed since then . . .

Parker got a bath

My sister made my favorite meal EVER (gorgonzola chicken) and I ate way too much of it

Nolan got to use the rocking horse my mother and my aunt used as kids 

We had a great Cormier fathering at Shannon and Marc's 

We had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner at the Old Mill 

We had a tea party for Ayva's birthday

Parker got to meet Great Grandpa Buzz 

Parker got to meet his great-Aunt Sue 


Nolan was in a parade for school 

Parker started on solids! 

Nolan had a small concert at school during which he picked his nose, growled at the crowd and refused to sing

Nolan and Parker met Santa and Nolan growled again 

Parker got to meet his YOUNGER cousin Paxton and the girls got to play with all the little ones 

Parker found his toes

Nolan got a dinosaur from Santa and promptly shoved it in Parker's face

Nolan preferred packaging to gifts on Christmas morning 

Parker got Sophie!

Ellie got christened 

Nolan got a big boy bed (and started wearing big boy underwear but a picture of that would probably not be appropriate) 

Parker got cuter and cuter and got better and better at sitting up

Ryan went to Las Vegas for work.  Nolan was ecstatic to have him home. 

Parker and Ellie had their first real date 

Gracie and Nolan acted like an old married couple

who still love each other :)